Associate Professor - Human Geography
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta


My research interests centre on the links between people and their physical and social environments. This work generally follows an interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral approach with the goal of engaging in multiple and varied approaches to a topic. Much of my research has a policy and practice component that moves information out into the real world. This work has been funded by the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), and CIHR (Canadian Insitutes of Health Research).

Current Projects

Global Nomads. T. Garvin. 2012- present.

This project is an in-depth investigation of families that make the choice to travel around the world for more than 8 months. More information can be found at the project website:

Aging-in-Place in the Suburbs of Canada’s Major Prairie Cities: An Edmonton Pilot Project. T. Garvin, C. Nykiforuk (Co-Principal Investigators); S. Johnson, (Co-Investigator). Funded by SSHRC Research Development Initiative (RDI). 2008-2014.

Can we get old here? A Scoping Review of Suburban Aging-in-Place. T. Garvin. (Nominating Principal Investigator), C. Nykiforuk, V. Menec (Co-Principal Investigators), S. Johsnon (Principal Decision Maker). Funded by CIHR Knowledge Synthesis Grant program. 2010-2012.

Past Projects

Examining Interdisciplinarity: Researcher's Perspectives. T. Garvin (Principal Investigator). Funded by the Killam Research Fund, University of Alberta.

Alberta's Geographies of School Choice. T. Garvin (Principal Investigator), A. Taylor, N. Cameron & A. Croitoru (Co-Investigators). Funded by Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research.

Supporting Social Science Protocols in the Tropi-Dry Network. T. Garvin (Principal Investigator). Funded by SSHRC Research Developoment Initiative.

Understanding the Human, Biophysical and Political Dimensions of Tropical Primary and Secondary Dry forests in the Americas (TROPIDRY). A. Sanchez-Azofeifa (Principal Investigator), T. Garvin, B. Rivard, J. Gamon, and 25 others (Co-Principal Investigators). Collaborative Research Network funded by the Interamerican Institute for Global Change Research.

Evaluating Payments for Environmental Services in Costa Rica. A. Sanchez-Azofeifa (Principal Investigator), A. Pfaff and T. Garvin (Co-investigators). Funded by SSHRC Standard Research Grants.

Making Sense of Sour Gas. T. Garvin (Principal Investigator). Funded by SSHRC Standard Research Grant.


Last updated: June 6, 2012