Useful Links for Mineralogy
Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (IMA-CNMNC)
Amorphous mineral species
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Glossary of Clay Science - Clay Minerals Society
Software (mineral composition/classification; CIPW normative calculation)
Periodico di Mineralogia 81, 257-267 (2012)
Computers & Geosciences 62, 1–11 (2014)
Periodico di Mineralogia 86, 135-167 (2017)
Computers & Geosciences 81, 101-113 (2015)
WinCcac.exe zipped form; see also below unpublished Chlorite spreadsheet
European Journal of Mineralogy 27, 617-626 (2015)
Computers & Geosciences 27, 241–248 (2001)
Periodico di Mineralogia 87, 269-285 (2018)
Periodico di Mineralogia 91, 63-87 (2022)
Computers & Geosciences 34, 1769-1780 (2008)
Computers & Geosciences 36, 406-409 (2010)
Computers & Geosciences 29, 1203–1213 (2003)
for Windows 7-10 use DOSBox emulator to run
Computers & Geosciences 113, 106-114 (2018)
American Mineralogist 98,
1338-1359 (2013),
{ WinPyroxV.1.07byFuatYAVUZ }
See also below unpublished Pyroxene component spreadsheet
Periodico di Mineralogia 87, 149-172 (2018)
European Journal of Mineralogy 31, 183-192 (2019)
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 114, 142-148 (2019)
Mineralogy and Petrology 109, 153-160 (2015)
Computers & Geosciences 48, 50-56 (2012)
American Mineralogist 96, 895–913 (2011)
Computers & Geosciences 63, 70-87 (2014) { WinTcacV.1.04byFuatYAVUZetal. }
American Mineralogist 101, 111–119 (2016)
- Unpublished mineral calculation spreadsheets:
Chlorite - see also Computers & Geosciences 81, 101-113 (2015), above
Pyroxene components in system Na-Mg-Al-Si-K-Ca-Ti-Cr-Mn-Fe(II)-Fe(III)-Zr-O6
Petrology Tools
- CIPW normative calculation for classification of igneous rocks:
Geothermobarometry: for mantle phases -
for crustal (granulite) phases -
- Ternary, Tetrahedral, Triangular-prism plotting in Excel:
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25, 1473-1477 (2000): Tri-plot
- Fe-Ti two-oxide geothermometer and oxygen-barometer of Ghiorso & Evans (2008)
Olivine-orthopyroxene-spinel oxybarometer (
references); 2023 implementation by S. Benaroya
Mineralogy Databases
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database - cell dimensions and atomic coordinates
for refined crystal structures of minerals
Athena Mineralogy - rapid search by elements in the mineral formula (or by name or by group)
Database of Educational Crystallographic Online Resources (DECOR)
Handbook of Mineralogy - comprehensive mineral descriptions - mineral information, localities and photographs:
RRUFF - Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction and chemistry data for minerals - species descriptions with links and an image library
Other Links
Links compiled by the European Mineralogical Union
Mineral-Related Links compiled by the Mineralogical Society of America
Links compiled by the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Database links compiled by the Mineralogical Society of Antwerp, Belgium
Useful links compiled by the Central Service Laboratory, University of Tasmania (S. Feig; requires sign-in)
Educational information from briteco: Rocks, Minerals and Precious Stones
Global Map of Electron Microprobe Laboratories
2024 compilation by Dr. A. von der Handt (University of British Columbia)